[Internacional].- Después de meses en recuperación, Paul Van Dyk hará un regreso triunfal en EDC Las Vegas.
El día de hoy se ha hecho un anuncio que nos saco una tremenda sonrisa, como ya leíste en el encabezado, Paul Van Dyk después del accidente sufrido en A State Of Trance 750 en Utrecht (donde cayo a 6 metros de altura al querer saludar a sus fans) se encuentra al día de hoy mas que listo para llevar lo mejor de su trance al EDC en la ciudad de Las Vegas.
Todas las presentaciones que tenia planeadas en este tiempo Matthias Paul fueron cubiertas por sus camaradas en esta gran familia llamada “Trance“.
A tres meses de lo ocurrido, Paul nos escribió esta carta la semana pasada en su cuenta personal de Facebook:
“Hello, Paul here.
It’s been 3 months since my life changed in a way I never thought possible; it’s been the most difficult challenge I have ever been through. Although there is a long way ahead for me to completely recover, I am positive, optimistic and doing absolutely everything I can to get back to my passion and share with you my love for music, to share more unforgettable moments and to live this second chance to the maximum — to live it grateful and happier than ever.
It’s very hard to write down everything I would like to say but I know a lot of you are worried, so I’ll try my best…
To the dedicated team of doctors, trainers, nurses and hospital staff in Utrecht & Berlin who have helped — and who continue to help with my medical rehabilitation and care, thank you so very much. Really, I will never be able to express the depth of my appreciation for your expertise and therapy. It feels like a miracle that I’m alive and an even bigger one that I’ll soon be able to follow my passion again, thanks to your help.
To my family, friends and team for being by my side every step of the way, I’ll be forever grateful for your love, support, encouragement and positivity over these tough months.
To the promoters, business partners and colleagues who covered for me, believed in me, allowed me the time to get better and who are welcoming me back with open arms, from the bottom of my heart…thank you. In this day and age, it’s not the norm and I’m very touched by it.
To all of you all over the world who sent love, good wishes and prayers, I want to thank each one of you who took the time for me.
There are no words to express what I have felt, but I can tell you that many tears filled my eyes seeing them, so thank you. I needed that positive energy more than you imagine.
Most of all, I would like to extend my endless gratitude to my wonderful, loving, caring Margarita. You’re the love of my life and there is simply no way I would have been able to get through this hell without you.
In mid-June, I’m returning to do what I love doing the most and am looking forward to seeing you all again!“
Esto ciertamente nos tenia a la espera del anuncio de su regreso y por fin lo tenemos, Paul regresa a las tornamesas en la ciudad que nunca duerme y mejor aún, bajo el cielo eléctrico.
¡No te olvides de compartir y seguirnos!
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